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没有去过,风景不错,“近”。It looks like you won’t need to travel far to feast your eyes on the Grand Canyon – the Canadian version,...a 150 metre wide gorge with sheer cliffs that drop 100 metres.




Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 当我看到图片和这段文字的时候是兴奋的,

    没有去过,风景不错,“近”。It looks like you won’t need to travel far to feast your eyes on the Grand Canyon – the Canadian version,...a 150 metre wide gorge with sheer cliffs that drop 100 metres.



    • Niagara Escarpment?
      • 不是。我以为近,然后谷歌一下,太太不近了。
    • Ouimet Canyon Provincial Park
      • 对。去过?值得开车14小时过去嘛? +1
        • 去过,一路开过去有十来个省立公园,挺好玩的。我们当年走了12天。