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TRUMP遇刺的灵性原因和对每个(对此感兴趣的)人的影响 Spotlight on Stormfire

Spotlight on Stormfire
Storytime with Magenta Pixie - Consciousness choicepoint in the village.---The White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine.Philosophical, metaphysical poet...
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  • 枫下拾英 / 心灵感悟 / TRUMP遇刺的灵性原因和对每个(对此感兴趣的)人的影响 Spotlight on Stormfire
    Spotlight on Stormfire
    Storytime with Magenta Pixie - Consciousness choicepoint in the village.---The White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine.Philosophical, metaphysical poet...
    • 文字版 +1

      The collective of awake/aware truth aligned and spiritually connected are asking so many questions, either of their own source or of one another and resources they trust.

      The presentation in the latest chapter is complex but you can start with two initial questions as a premise with which to then build a picture within your mind as to what happened and how that affects the collective of humanity going forward.

      It is okay to wait. It is okay to wait a few days or weeks or longer before you subscribe to a reality presentation.

      You can take your time to process.

      To build the initial premise then this would be a good starting point.

      Ask yourself these two questions

      1) Was this organised by the White Hat movement?

      2) Was this NOT organised by a White Hat movement?

      Rarely is anything so black and white but these two questions give you a good foundation for building your reality picture and holding you within a focus that aligns with what is true.

      Use every resource at your disposal to build from either foundation. For the indigo individuals this may mean doing lots of research and for the crystal individuals this is likely to be less outside research and more going within….but the most important thing is to act with a relaxed focus, with temperance.
      If you act on strong emotion or are triggered by someone else’s opinion then you are likely to be led astray.

      This latest chapter is a huge lesson in discernment. It is important to hold an aligned foundation because there will be more to come from this initial

      One of these foundations, as in the answer to one of these questions, will lead you into a false and fake artificial rabbit hole that will pull you away from your true spiritual path. You enter what the Nine call ‘Warp Speed Momentum’ and you burn yourself out when you move into the focus that is artificial consciousness.

      The other foundation, the answer to the question, will give you a foundation for truth with which to then build an accurate picture going forward. This allows you to enter ‘warp speed momentum’ with temperance and patience. Allowing you to access truth and move through your cellular memory cascade process with grace and harmony.

      You can of course choose not to enter into this particular questioning at all if you do not want to. You can choose to simply observe and this will also move you into ‘warp speed momentum’ with truth, temperance and grace.

      False beliefs, false awakening and aligning with a false and artificial consciousness will negatively impact your cellular memory cascade process and thus your light body activation and spiritual path. You enter distortion which leads to the creation of a false paradigm.

      Everything that occurs on the world stage within the media, political field, celebrity culture, royal family gossip and even entertainment is an opportunity for discernment. Both, as per the bifurcation, present key codes for truth or for false awakening and the building of the false paradigm.

      The truthful key codes assist with the inner transformation and alchemy from carbon based molecular structure to crystalline matrix quantum encoded cellular structure.

      The false paradigm is finite. It cannot sustain especially now as we enter a ‘photon belt reality’ which holds molecular particles all around us which intelligently respond to the paradigm we have constructed for ourselves. They combine to construct for you a reality that aligns with your paradigm (which becomes living architecture) but as the force within these particles are aligned towards source creation and thus truth, they will continue to present glimpses of the truthful and real reality.

      This can lead to confusion, anxiety and loss of self when the glimpses of truth do not align with the false paradigm you have created for yourself. Cognitive dissonance sets in.

      This is the Grand initiation taking place for every soul on this planet right now. The initiation of awakening.

      Will you awaken to the artificial construct? Or the true reality?

      Decoding events such as the recent chapter are far more intrinsic to your spiritual development that most realise.

      It is crucial that you choose the aligned foundation in this regard.

      If you do not know but choose to enter into this knowing then you can remain open minded to both potentials whilst you allow yourself the time, space and grace to focus and move into this consciousness choice point.

      Take your time to do this. You have all the time in the world. Slow and steady wins the race.

      Magenta Pixie 🙏💖

      • 不明觉厉 +1