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save 2 seats for me, Oct 28 is Sunday or Sat?


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 「南京大屠杀70周年」和电影「张纯如」即将公映。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛宣传张纯如史维会办筹款宴






    王裕佳又称,今年是南京大屠杀70周年,由于史维会举办的各项纪念活动均需庞大的人力及财力的推动及支持,该会计划于10月28日(周六)假Premiere Ballroom & Convention Centre举行「南京大屠杀70周年」筹款晚宴,藉以筹募经费。


    「南京大屠杀70周年」筹款晚宴餐券分为70元和120元两种,举行的地址是9019 Leslie Street。

    查询晚宴详情请电416-892-6573或416-222-5742内线2,或电邮至info@torontoalpha.org。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 这次筹款是为了印制一万本南京大屠杀70周年纪念册···


      • 这是系列活动组织人员名单的官方版本:

        Toronto Association for Learning & Preserving the History of WWII in Asia


        “The Rape of Nanking – 70 years of Amnesia”

        「南京大屠殺 --- 七十年的憶記」

        2007 Commemorative Events

        Fundraising Dinner
        Premiere Ballroom &Convention Centre
        October 28 (Sunday)

        “Iris Chang” Premiere
        Chinese Cultural
        Centre of Greater Toronto
        November 11 (Sunday)

        Toronto Center for the Arts
        December 13 (Thursday)

        2007 Events Committee:

        Chairman: Dr. Joseph Y.K. Wong
        Events Coordinator: Flora Chong
        Treasurers: Josephine Yuen, Susana Ng
        Art Director: Albert Ng
        Audio / Visual Consultant: Duncan Au
        IT Support: Simon Chow, Yvonne Chan
        Photographer / Videographer: Bang Ho
        Printing & Publications: Kevin Wong
        Fundraising Dinner Co-chairs: Alan Kwong, Hugo Lam
        Premiere Co-chairs: Dennis Lam, Jeffrey Lam
        Concert Co-chairs: Aster Lai, Helen Lu, Rosaline Sung
        Concert Music Director & Conductor: Tak-Ng Lai

        Committee Members: Adam Poon, Anita Chiu, Betty Lam,
        Christine Wong, Gordon
        Lam, Han Li, Ivy Lam, Janette Kwan, May Wong
        Toronto ALPHA Board of Directors
        Founders: Dr. Joseph Y.K. Wong, Dr. Milton Wan
        Chairman: Dr. Joseph Y.K. Wong
        Vice-Chairman & Secretary: Flora Chong
        Treasurer: Susana Ng
        Directors: Alan Kwong, Dennis Lam, Ivy Lam, Jeffrey Lam
        Auditor: Yonnie Chung
        Administrator: Venne Ng
      • Toronto ALPHA’s Mandate and Mission

        Toronto ALPHA’s Mandate and Mission

        Canada ALPHA (Association for Learning and Preserving of the History of WWII in Asia) was

        formed in 1997 with the mandate to foster humanity education and racial harmony with a specific

        mission to promote public awareness, learning and preserving Asian WWII history. Since 2004

        the Toronto Chapter of Canada ALPHA has been working closely with educators to integrate this

        important, but relatively unknown, human rights history into the Ontario secondary school


        Accomplishments Thus Far:

        1. Peace & ReconciliationStudy Tours to China for Canadian Educators: Over the three

        summers between 2004 and 2006, more than 70 Canadian educators were sponsored to

        visit and witness first-hand evidence of the long-hidden human tragedies and atrocities

        committed by the Japanese Imperial Army during WWII in China.

        2. Study Tour Educators’ Initiatives: Upon their returns, many Study Tour educators have

        been committed personally and professionally to promote the cause. Apart from direct

        teaching in class, they initiated and produced visual and audio materials to be shared with

        other teachers, wrote papers and published articles, and made public presentations at

        conferences, school-board curriculum meetings/workshops, professional groups,

        universities, and schools – for example, on Remembrance Day.

        3. Incorporation of Asian WWII history into the Ontario Grade 10 history curriculum

        documents: In January 2005, Ontario became the first jurisdiction in the Western world

        to have officially incorporated the Asian WWII history into its Grade 10 World History

        and Social Studies curriculum. The history and events, such as the Nanjing Massacre,

        have been formally included as suggested topics in the 2005 revision of the Grade 10

        history course - a compulsory secondary-school course in Ontario.

        4. Publishing the first Ontario teachers’ resource guide on Asian WWII history: The Search

        for Global Citizenship: The Violation of Human Rights in Asia, 1931-1945 (A Resource

        Guide for Ontario Teachers of Canadian and World Studies, Grades 10-12), which is

        also available online at www.asia-wwii.org, provides secondary school teachers with rich

        information and easy-to-use tools for their classroom teaching.

        5. Promotion and dissemination of teachers’ resource packages to all Ontario secondary

        schools: In 2006, a variety of resource materials were promoted at professional

        conferences and school-board workshops. At the same time, over 800 sets of

        comprehensive resource packages (worth $300 each) were shipped and donated to

        secondary schools across the province for their school libraries and social science


        6. Production of a docu-drama “Iris Chang”: This $1.5M budget film (with funding all

        from donation and charity foundation), produced and directed by a Canadian independent

        film production house, is geared for global audiences particularly those in the western

        world where the Asian WWII history has been rarely known. This film will reveal

        the inhumanity of Nanjing Massacre through the capturing of Iris Chang’s determination

        and courage to unearth this hidden chapter of history. This film also serves to pay tribute

        to Iris and to remind the world her passion in justice and peace. Filming of this

        docudrama had been taken place in Nanjing, Japan, California and other cities in the

        United States, as well as Ontario Canada.

        7. Art Contest and exhibition: This event had been kicked off on May 3, 2007 which invites

        entries of visual art creations by people from all over the world who wish to display their

        feeling and emotion about the Nanjing Massacre through visual arts. Selected entries will

        be adopted and printed for a "Nanking Massacre Commemorative Book" or similar

        publication. This "book" will also serves as a historical record and will be sent to all

        educational institutions, libraries and Memorial Halls around the world.

        8. Motion 291 ‘Comfort Women’ Campaign: Working jointly with Korean, Filipino and

        Indonesian communities, and endorsed by many other organizations and communities

        including the National Association of Japanese Canadians, a massive petition campaign

        is undertaken in support of the Motion 291, which calls for the Japanese government to

        officially apologize and compensate to the victims of the military sexual slavery during

        WWII. This campaign also include the action of collecting 50,000 supporting signatures

        which will be submitted to the Canadian Parliament. To arouse awareness and provide

        more information on the “Comfort Women” issue to the public, a full page appeal in

        The Globe and Mail was posted on May 29, 2007.

        9. Resource Centre: A hub for volunteers and resource centre for educators/students/

        general public has been set up.

        Projects under Way:

        1. Appeal to Canadian Parliament for the passing of Motion 291 through petition campaign,

        public education and live testimonies of victims.

        2. 2007 China Study Tour. Around 19 Ontario and 6 BC teachers and educators will be

        sponsored to visit four major PRC cities. The objectives are the same as the previous

        study tours, i.e. to educate the Canadian educators on WWII history by revisiting war

        sites and victims.

        3. Facilitating traveling workshops for teachers across Ontario to promote awareness and


        4. Development of additional curriculum materials on history and war related subject matter

        for younger grades

        5. Expansion of the educational website, and research and collection of resource materials

        6. Supporting other educational activities - including writing contests, school clubs, school

        visits, scholarships, etc.

        7. Making of a “Nanjing Massacre 70thh Anniversary Commemorative Book: This

        commemorative book will widely circulated and serve dual purposes: for awareness of

        the atrocity and provide a historical archive

        8. Marketing and promotion of the docu-drama “Iris Chang”. Premieres and private

        screening will be held around North America and the world. World Premiere will be

        started in Toronto on November 11, 2007

        9. A Commemorative Concert to be conducted by Mr. Tak-Ng Lai will be held in Toronto

        Performing Art Center on December 13, 2007, the 70th Anniversary of the Nanjing


        10. Fundraising initiatives: In order to continue the missions and support the works of

        ALPHA, active fundraising events need to be conducted...

        a. Annual Gala Dinner to be held on October 27 and 28 of 2007 to raise fund for the

        above-mentioned educational projects in 2007, and planned projects in 2008

        b. To expand corporate sponsorship, not only to raise funds, but also provides

        evidence of support from the community to the main stream corporations.

      • 这是官方的Cover letter

        Toronto Association for Learning & Preserving
        the History of WWII in Asia

      • 这个要顶一下。不过没参加过此类活动,不知餐券是否等同与捐款?还是说就餐时再另行捐款?哪位老大能带我见见世面呀?
        • 谢谢你的回复,我希望能在Rolia凑够10个一席的晚宴。每人70加币。希望能去支持一下的人可以PM我。
          • Sorry忘了回答问题,餐券不同与纯捐款,因为有成本,就餐时还可以另行捐款,超过20加币可以开抵税发票。
          • Shake hands:). Pleae count me in. I will definitely go and I will forward this message to my friends. Thanks.
            • 谢谢,我们已有三个人,希望能凑够一桌。
        • 可以带我的儿子去吗?好想让他记住那段历史.他12岁
      • Yept, me too. Definitely go, to pay my respect, to a person calling Chinese people "My People".
        • 谢谢你的回复,让我很感动,我完全没有想到这里会有人支持的。
      • 呼吁Rolia上有能力的人去支持一下,大家可以PM我了解详情,BTW:我不是协会的人,我只是自愿去帮忙而已。
        • 我也想知道其他捐款方式,知道史维会和他们的事,谢谢他们.
      • 支持,但是当天去不了,有没有其他的捐款渠道?
        • 我forward一些资料给你。
          • 收到,谢
          • 建议把捐款渠道直接发上来,这样便于不能去的人捐款。
            • 我不知道如何设一个FTP来下载捐款表格。
      • 希望大家都为民族出一份力。
      • 已经有6个人了,还有4个就凑一桌。
        • 那个礼拜正好ONCALL, 可能去不了, 不过会尽量安排出时间来. 如果可以的话会晚些时候报名.
      • 很好, 想去, 只是现在还不知道那天在不在TORONTO, 先顶一下, 如果到时候可以安排过来再报名.
      • 这个要使劲顶!相信在rolia 上凑10个人不是问题,争取凑两桌了。
        • 谢谢大熊~~
      • 他们做这件事情不是为了煽动仇恨,实际上他们做事情非常有分寸,因为他们目标是要让更多的加拿大本地年轻人了解这段历史,所以他们成功说服了安省政府把南京大屠杀写入中学教材,这件事情很了不起。
        • 现在他们想印刷一万本大屠杀70周年纪念册,包含丰富的幸存者采访video资料,放入加拿大所有的图书馆中。这些都是付出巨大努力去做出来的,因为再过几年,幸存者就所剩无几了
      • 筹款晚宴上大家可以亲身体会了解史维会的工作以及意义,如果不方便去得也可以直接捐款,捐款的事情大家量力而行,最重要的是一份支持的心意就行了。
        • 顶! 如果去不了会捐款.
          • 谢谢,任何支持都是有意义的,目前香港社区的捐款已经超过30万。当然无需去比什么,这件事情本身的意义要大得多。引起大家关注,也是有意义的。
            • 另我震动的是电影张纯如的一百万拍摄启动资金,竟然是一个犹太人赞助的。
              • save 2 seats for me, Oct 28 is Sunday or Sat?
                • 是周日,倒数第四段里面写错了。
                • 谢谢,现在有8个人确定的了。对,是周日。
      • 这是捐款的文件,我做成图片了,可以下载。如果大家有疑问,也可以由我代为转交,请PM我,我会把正式捐款Receipt寄回来。
        • If I write a donation check, do I send it to the address listed at the bottom of the above doc?
          • Yes。
      • Please count me in, I already PMed you
        • 谢谢,现在有9个人了。
          • Count me in. Check your PM.
      • 28号是星期天吧?不知具体是那一天?
        • 是星期天
      • It is so regret that i could not attend, but i will send donation check to you. Please PM me your contact info. thanks. 
      • 支持你一把! 我很想去但那天刚好有事, 照说好的, 我会把捐款送去的.
      • 想去,怎么和你们联系。pm我把。
        • 可以带我的儿子去吗?好想让他记住那段历史.他12岁
          • 要多买一张票的。不过我要联系一下看看有没有多的票。
            • 我可以买多一张
              • 谢谢你
      • 我在史维会帮忙.11月11日"张纯如-南京大屠杀"全球首映,就在多伦多.13日,19日和20日还会再放三场.据说拍得很震撼人心.希望大家有空去看看,也介绍周围朋友,特别是老外朋友去.其他族裔中,知道这段历史的人太少了.

        1、全球首映 (张纯如父母,电影主创班底等到场):
        时间:11月11日(周日) 1:00pm,5:30pm
        地点: P.C. Ho Theatre,Chinese Cultural Center of Great Toronto
        5183 Sheppard Avenue East,Scarborough,Toronto
        票价:$ 100 (其中$50为捐款, 含“南京大屠杀70周年”纪念册一本)

        (1)时间:11月13日(周二) 7pm
        地点:The Bloor Cinema
        506 Bloor Street West, Toronto M5S 1Y3
        票价:$ 30 (含“南京大屠杀70周年”纪念册一本)

        (2)时间:11月19日(周一) 7pm
        地点:The Bloor Cinema
        506 Bloor Street West, Toronto M5S 1Y3
        票价:$ 30 (含“南京大屠杀70周年”纪念册一本)

        (3)时间:11月20日(周二) 7pm
        地点:The Bloor Cinema
        506 Bloor Street West, Toronto M5S 1Y3
        票价:$ 30 (含“南京大屠杀70周年”纪念册一本)
      • 需要电影票的朋友,可以pm我,能给您送过去. 也可以上史维会网上买:http://www.torontoalpha.org
      • 想捐点钱。已经打印了Donation Form,不知道赞助项目一栏应该怎么填。
        • 你可以写“南京大屠杀70周年”就行。
          • xiexie.