Did not see anything wrong so far, but I will read next part and put more input if I can.
Try to always think from his point of view if something happened between two of you. Sometimes if you step back even 1 little step, you will find that the life is not as miserable as you think.
I understand that how you feel at this moment, you take good care of yourself.
yeah, can see some problems showed up here, but it seems that it has not gotten to the stage that you should leave him/ not love him yet. Need more evidence.
在他回来之前,我想了很多,我想到了:当年自己很不懂事。结婚时,没有 ready for 为人妻的;生子时,没有ready for 为人母;为人儿媳也做得不好。。。既然自己做得那么不好,又有什么资格以较高的标准来要求他呢?。。。我肯原谅自己的种种不端,为什么就不能原谅他的不是?。。。我以一句“年幼无知”为自己当年的所有不妥行为做诠释。为什么不肯以同样的一句话去诠释他当年的行为呢?而是以:没有责任心等较为严厉的词去谴责他呢?毕竟他只比我大三岁,当年也只有二十多岁。而且男人普遍比女人成熟晚。这不公平。
这件事让我想明白了,为什么孩子出生前他对我那么好, 孩子一出生他就变了。
我相信,以我和儿子现在的状态,只要我想跟他修复,他一定会配合的。。。但如果有一天,如果我病倒了,出了意外,他一定不会be there for us 的。。。他根本就是一个没担当的人。只能同享乐,不能共患难。 《完》更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net